G.M. | Players |
Mike Sullivan | Chris Warren Kate Krolicki Amy Johns Josh Lawton |
On the third and final day of the tournament, I was getting ready for
the quarter final run when I got that not so fresh feeling in the back
of my head. Reluctantly, I answered the trump call. It was
Random. Great. I made placatory remarks and said I'd call him back in
a few hours since I was in the middle of something. After I had won
and was feelign done with the celebration thing, I called back Random
to find out what was going on.
It seems that our friend Arjan had not been idle during the short time
I'd been away; the kingdom (or churchdom?) of Creswali was in full
surround-sound techni-color balls-to-the-wall rebellion under the
leader of the (False) Prophet Arjan. Random wanted me to go in and act
as a military advisor to the Creswali army who were getting the pants
handed to them by the rebels. After only a littel bit of hemming and
hawing, I agreed. Dad's instilled a bit to much of a sense of loyalty
towards Amber (and thereby the Throne) for me to refuse a direct
request by its King.
So, Random brought me through and then informed me that his daughter
Gwyneth would be going along as well. (Right, no pressure...just take
along my inexperienced young daughter to the site of a major
rebellion, keep her involved, and oh, by the way, don't even think of
letting her get hurt...but really, no pressure...just do what you
can...). Who am I to say no to such an offer(order)? The short of it
is that Pretty soon Gwyneth and I were in a boat on the way to
Creswali. On te way I tried to teach Gwyneth a bit of the theory of
warfare, and for breaks a bit of fencing. She was inexperienced, but
had a reasonably good intuitive grasp of both the theoretical side of
war and the actual sword play. She would survive against any trained
Amberite, but she would easily beat any normal shadow dweller.
We disembarked at the major port of Creswali and found our selves in a
somewhat dour but only slightly worse for wear large city. The
official welcoming party was polite, glad to see us, but also somewhat
subdued. We met with the local leaders and got a clearer picture of
how this whole thing had started. About a month ago, the church
officials (Creswali is a theocracy of some sort or other) first
started hearing of this heretical branch revival being led by some one
called Arjan, and then the Prophet Arjan. This branch was something
that had tried to split off some long ago, but the main part of the
church had held together and gotten rid of the splinter group. They
had destroyed it completely enough that for 900 years or so there had
not been mention of it. Anyway, the church was just beginning to take
some measures (3 weeks since they first even heard of Arjan) when the
rebellion happened. Most of the work force simply up and left their
jobs, often after commiting some minor sabotage, and headed north to
join the rebel army. Poof. In a matter of a little over eight hours
the entire industry of Creswali ground to a halt.
Well, after the hellos and such, we headed out towards the front with
a unit of heavy cavalry. It was couple of days ride and we made it
there with little incident. The soldiers were fairly young and not
very experienced, but seemed decent enough other than that. The
inexperience thing might be a problem though. When we got to the field
command center we were met with enthusiasm by the Creswali
commanders. They were giving it their best try, but they were
basically just incompetent (or at te very least, very out of
practice). Gwyneth stayed around the HQ while I traveled to the lines
and got some idea of how the men were holding out. Not too bad, but
getting dangerously low on supplies. I also learned a bit about the
rebel tactics. They had a couple of units of Gezaro bow men that could
move around, concentrate briefly at a point in the defenders line and
cover an infantry charge and hold off a counter attack by the Creswali
cavalry, and then restabalize having gained a couple of hundred feet
of ground. This had been going on pretty much since the beginning and
Creswali commanders had not been able to figure out what to do about
it. They weren't realy able to press the attack (which was what they
should have done) because of problems with their supply lines. Since
they were in an entirely reactionary position the rebels could use
their mobile strike force to full advantage. When I got back to camp I
looked over the suggestions that Gwyneth had made and they seemed al
right to me, so I went to bed. The next few days were pretty similar
and completely uneventful. The lack of supplies was becoming a serious
problem, but there were theoretically a couple of caravans on the way
from Desden.
During all this, some other folks were off having a grand old time on
their own. Tom, Adria, and Janna had decided to go infiltrate the main
rebel camp. I'm not entirely sure what went on, but round about 6:00
AM amber time they called Random in his bed while he was asleep and
asked him to pull them back to Amber because they were in a bit of a
complicated position and they had a prisoner with them. I would have
loved to have seen Randoms face when he got the call, and their faces
when they realized they forgot the time difference, but not quite
enough to actually want to have been there. Well, Random pulled them
through and then told them to get out of his sight for a while. I
learned of all this because soon after I woke one morning Random
called me and told me, and asked me if I could use a few more bodies
around. In addition to Adria, Tom, and Janna, Martin was around as
well. I had just learned that the caravans had experienced some
difficulties in the road and woudl be delayed, so a few more bodies
around would be quite useful. I really wanted to either go myself or
send some one else out to lead the caravans back as soon as
possible. Besides, it couldn't hurt too much to do the King a favor. I
told him I could certainly use them, and a couple of hours later they
called and I pulled them through.
Adria and Martin both had some arcane abilities to see things from far
away, so they got the job of being look outs. Gwyneth stayed at the
head quarters to keep the local command in line, and Tom, Janna, and I
headed south to see what was holding up the caravan...